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Years Experience
//About Us//

Pet Services

Hi There! My name is Yohana Akang and I am the founder of Kingdom Pets service. I am in my early twenties and taking a step out to take on the world with my passion for animals. I’m currently studying my Bachelor of Veterinary Science with the intent to purse a Doctor Veterinary Medicine in the coming years. The branch of discipline I am studying focuses on the welfare, husbandry, and benefits of companions animals amongst others.

What We Do

Day/Night Walks

Walk As If You Are Kissing The Earth With Your Feet

Dog Minding

There Is No Psychiatrist In The World Like A Puppy Licking Your Face

Contact Us If You Have Any Queery!

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Why Choose Us

In a world filled with dog lovers, choosing a dog walker can be a tough decision.Attributes that make a difference vary based on needs,but there are some qualities that cannot be overlooked.

At Kingdom Pets we are knowledgeable, experienced and have a unique way of interacting with dogs and building a relational experience with owners. With us your dog/s will not be just another addition to the TRIBE but rather apart of a family, because we understand that all dogs are different, and their difference requires an individual approach to cultivate a strong bond. We pride ourselves and hold true to our values of Knowledge, Love and Innovation in the dog industry and we look forward to getting to know you

  • Relational

  • Individual Approach

  • Knowledgeable

  • Innovative

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